Free cleaning of your plaid šŸ˜‰ Thanks to Mother Nature.

Can I wash my wool plaid?

    According to many, this is possible, but we certainly do not recommend it. In general, it doesn't make them any prettier. This winter, snow may finally fall again. And as grandmother may remember, it is time to clean wool. But hanging it in the fog is a less romantic image, but of course it is also possible!!

    The best way to clean a wool plaid

    • Place your wool blanket in the snow (preferably fresh, dry snow) and make sure there is snow on the top as well.
    • Leave your wool plaid for about half an hour.
    • Then hit the plaid with the back of a broom (hardly anyone will have the old-fashioned carpet beater anymore ;-). The small amount of ammonia in the snow reacts with the cold air and causes the dirt to loosen and fall out of the blanket.
    • Then leave your plaid for another half hour.
    • Repeat this one or two more times
    • Finally, shake the snow off your plaid and hang your plaid in the freezing cold for another half hour. This will allow the last remnants of snow to fall off automatically without it becoming wet.

    Cleaning wool plaid without snow

    Of course we don't always have snow. AnĀ alternative is to hang your throw in the mist. This gives your wool plaid a fresh scent, but it does not clean like snow does. Do not wash your plaid in the washing machine and certainly never put it in the dryer. For a deep cleaning, you may want to go to the dry cleaner. But when it snows... take the opportunity to clean your wool plaid as our ancestors have done for many centuries.